Press Release for Immediate Release

Contact Jeanna Som
Pat LaMarche

SPY Campers to Put Personal Stories onto Panels for Memorial Blanket
Kids’ Artwork Panels Will Become Part of Art Display for Homelessness Memorial at Capitol in DC

Thursday, July 14, 2022, at St. John’s Episcopal Church on the square in Carlisle, campers from the Summer Program for Youth (SPY) will draw their stories onto squares of fabric that will later be assembled into a blanket. The quilt of children’s art will be put on display on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol this December 21st.

Volunteer artists and authors, published by the Charles Bruce Foundation – a local organization that supports writers, artists and musicians (WAM!) have given their time to the campers every summer for the better part of a decade. This year, in addition to reading to the children, teaching them about journaling, writing, rhyming, illustrating and other forms of storytelling – they will be involving the kids in one of the largest art projects created by central Pennsylvania artists. Certainly, the largest blanket art installation made to bring attention to homelessness.
This quilt – made from squares – hand-drawn by the children on 100% cotton fabric donated by local church leader, Vicar David Hoth, will be assembled by area quilters.

“Each of the children enrolled in SPY camp will make a blanket square. They can make drawings of their stories. Their family make-up, their favorite pet, hobbies, imaginary creature – whatever. Nearly a hundred children participated in SPY this year and their self-expression will be quilted together to make family blankets for the #memorialblanket project sponsored by the Charles Bruce Foundation (CBF),” explained artist volunteer and CBF board member, Devera Lang.
Vicar Hoth explained next steps, “Then we’ll take those blankets with us to Washington DC – along with all the others made here in Pennsylvania and across the nation – to the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol for the nation’s largest art installation reminding us – on the longest night of the year – that millions of Americans are unstably housed.” Vicar Hoth continued, “I’m excited to participate again this year. Last year’s display at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Carlisle was a gift to and from the community. Last year, following the art display, the blankets were distributed to those in need. The same will happen with the blankets this year.”

“Our campers learn so much from working artists and authors. For years, CBF has brought these professionals into the lives of our kids. And now, this December, they’ll get to see their creativity on display at the U.S. Capitol. The kids will be making a difference in the lives of others as their beautiful work warms families in need. I think they’ll learn a lot from this experience,” explained SPY’s Executive Director, Jeanna Som.

The press is invited to join the children while they make their squares – this Thursday, July 14, from 10:00 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. at St. John’s Church, on the square in Carlisle.

More information about the #memorialblanket project is available at
